About Our Mission

1. To raise awareness of suicide and suicide prevention.

2. To grant scholarships to individuals and organizations who exemplify characteristics of kindness, compassion, positivity and love. 

The Story of Live 4 Your Luke

This foundation was created in 2020 by Luke’s mother, Jill, following his suicide.

Lucas Kitchen was born the second child and second son on July 23, 1988 in Provo, Utah. Instead of outwardly conquering the world, Lucas was quietly observing and finding ways to lift others.

During his short, 33 years of life, Lucas served in countless ways. One of the most memorable was in the winter of 2016 when he learned his beloved grandfather was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Lucas quietly withdrew from college and quit his job to move to Richfield, Utah to take care of “Gramps.” Luke never sought praise for this selfless act. Nor did he complain of the great effort it took to care for Gramps.

Lucas had friends from every walk of life, because he loved unconditionally. He was the life of the party and his laugh would fill the room.

People weren’t the only recipients of Lucas’ love and service. During a cold Colorado Thanksgiving day in 2017, Lucas noticed two small dogs wondering the rural area. He insisted the car be turned around despite opposition. He gathered up the lost animals and walked the country road until the dogs were safely returned to their owners.

In January 2020, Luke unexpectedly ended his life. The loss of our beloved child has devastated our family. We never knew that Luke was struggling inside and that he would ever think suicide was an option to relieve his pain.

If the Live 4 Your Luke foundation can bring awareness to others and save even a single life, it will be a success. It is our hope and prayer that you may identify the Luke in your life so you and others don’t have to feel the devastation and helplessness which accompanies this epidemic.

If you want to show me that you really love me, don't say that you would die for me, instead stay alive for me.

- Unknown