2022 Run For Your Luke Event

September 24, 2022,

Participating in the 3rd annual charity run for Luke is a heartfelt gesture of community support and love. Luke’s story has touched many hearts, inspiring runners to come together for a cause that transcends the race itself. As participants gather at the starting line, their determination is fueled not only by the physical challenge ahead but also by the opportunity to make a tangible difference in someones life and the lives of others facing similar challenges. Each stride taken is a symbol of solidarity, a testament to the power of collective action in times of need.

Through this run, we not only raise funds but also uplift spirits, showing Luke and his family that they are surrounded by a network of caring individuals. Every participant, volunteer, and supporter contributes to a narrative of hope and resilience, demonstrating that even in the face of adversity, we can come together to make a meaningful impact.